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Jietai Intelligent Technology equipped cereal color sorter machine view in both monochromatic ‘visible' light and NIR wavelength(s) simultaneously. NIR can be used to remove defective and foreign material that is the same visible color as the good cereal products. Examples include clear glass in white rice, brown stones in peanuts, mould damage in almonds, cob in corn grits, burnt material in flaked breakfast cereals, etc.

Foreign material can react differently to varying NIR wavelengths and therefore our tri-chromatic machines sort in two different mono wavelengths plus one NIR or one mono plus two different NIR wavelengths at the same time. Our tri-chromatic technology has an enviable reputation in the cereal and grains sorting industry, in many cases completely removing the need for manual inspection tables.

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While you are installing the tea color sorter machine, please avoid vibration and other interference in order to keep a good working condition of the equipment.

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Nowadays, the idea of environmental protection increasingly becomes a big and important issue due to the deterioration of environment and abnormal climate. Hence, everyone should go green since the ordinary days; for instance, separate the recycled products like plastic bottles from normal garbage in different garbage can. Accordingly, the recycled plastics will be transferred into the plants for processing which covers the solutions of plastic color sorting.

The plastic color sorting machine is able to work on various kinds of recycled plastics, including colorful PE bottle caps, PET bottle flakes, ABS crushing material, PP milk bottle flakes, transparent organic glass and a variety of other colorful mixed plastics; no matter they are pallets or flakes.

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Peanuts are always the good partners for people watching television or some recreations with good taste or added ingredient for cooking. You may buy it in traditional market or supermarket without knowing the resource. In general, peanuts will be processed with the sorting solutions to pick out the purified and clean ones. The peanut sorting processing is applied to shelled peanuts, peanuts kernels, or blanched peanuts.

Without the peanut color sorting machine, it needs hand picking which consumes high labor cost with low accuracy. The automatic color sorting technology solves the problems of labor cost and improves the working efficiency by directly packing the processed peanuts and further lowers the troubles with employee management. Besides, the color sorter machine is not only used in peanuts, but also widely applied in fruits, coffee beans, soybeans, tea leaves, sea food, and plastic recycling.

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When it comes to sorting tomatoes, the important ways to evaluate sorting systems is the gentle processing plus accuracy of  color sorting  and weight sizing. Most of tomatoes in market are fragile and delicate fruit so it deserves the special and careful handling systems to avoid the damage.

Tomatoes is normally be sorted on the basis of the color, weight, diameter (minimum or maximum) to detect the blemishes and drawbacks with a variety of packing options available. The complete processing systems include place packing single or double layer packs or semi-automated volume filling where the computer weighs each carton automatically before palletizing. The color sorting machine is the crucial invention that makes fruit packers find the extraordinarily good value to replace hand sorting and to make the final product consistently superior compared to hand packing.

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Double A所生產的優質「歐洲製造」紙張將於全球最大型的紙品及文具展覽「2014年度法蘭克福國際文具、紙品與辦公用品展」(Paperworld Frankfurt 2014)展出,並冀透過是次展覽開拓更多業務增長機會和擴大歐洲業務據點的機會,進一步擴闊其全球網絡。

Double A 高級副總裁席拉威(Thirawit Leetavorn)先生表示:「國際文具、紙品與辦公用品展是我們與主要歐洲市場的客戶及業務夥伴相聚的最佳地點,也為我們提供與新客戶會面及建立夥伴關係的商機。該展覽有助我們在歐洲建立業務據點,在當地達至長期增長。」


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davidlife 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Double A所生產的優質「歐洲製造」紙張將於全球最大型的紙品及文具展覽「2014年度法蘭克福國際文具、紙品與辦公用品展」(Paperworld Frankfurt 2014)展出,並冀透過是次展覽開拓更多業務增長機會和擴大歐洲業務據點的機會,進一步擴闊其全球網絡。

Double A 高級副總裁席拉威(Thirawit Leetavorn)先生表示:「國際文具、紙品與辦公用品展是我們與主要歐洲市場的客戶及業務夥伴相聚的最佳地點,也為我們提供與新客戶會面及建立夥伴關係的商機。該展覽有助我們在歐洲建立業務據點,在當地達至長期增長。」


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